1984-1988 / Visionary Ornament & Pornament /

Otto Wagner on Union Square (after the Vienna Stadtbahn), 1984, watercolor/paper, 30 x 22”

Palazzo Ducale, Urbino, as a Subway Station, 1984, watercolor/paper, 22 x 30”

Public Pool for Daytime Swimming, 1984, watercolor/paper, 22 x 30”

Matisse at the Green Mosque, Bursa, 1985, watercolor/paper, 22 x 30”

Medersa El-Attarin, Fez, with Secession Trees and Water, 1985, watercolor/paper, 30 x 22”

Art Historian’s Joke: Egyptian Woman, 1986, watercolor, acrylic/paper, 22 x 22”

Art Historian’s Joke: Persian Woman, 1986, watercolor/acrylic/paper, 22 x 22”

Art Historian’s Joke: Renaissance Woman, 1986, watercolor/acrylic/paper, 22 x 22”

Art Historian’s Joke: Post Modern Woman, 1986, watecolor/acrylic/paper, 22 x 22”

Pornament is Crime #7: Inside the Amber Palace (or the Pasha Peeks), 1987, watercolor/paper, 22 x 22”

Pornament is Crime #8: Weenie Waving for the Elephant, 1987, watercolor/paper, 22 x 22”, 32 in series

Pornament is Crime #12: Revolutionary Textiles, 1987, watercolor/paper, 22 x 22”

Pornament is Crime #13: Riding Roughshod Through the Heavens, 1987, watercolor/paper, 22 x 22”

Pornament is Crime #16: Classical Stations, 1987, watercolor/paper, 22 x 22”

Pornament is Crime #23: Unbearable Pompeian Darkness, 1988, watercolor/paper, 22 x 22”

Pornament is Crime #26: Xtatic Night Blooms – or Rosebud, 1988, watercolor/paper, 22 x 22”